Camp Blessings
“As big as birds” father said.
“Look at all of them”, mother replied.”
Looking up I saw them too. “Yellow Birds?” I thought. Taking more time to admire their alluring, delicate flight pattern I realized they were…“Oh how lovely”.
Our day at camp held many blessings, the Swallowtails just one of them….too many butterflies to count…my favorite was when we hiked to Sullivan Falls and caught glimpses of the yellow beauties through the mist of this grand waterfall- I know their wings need sunlight to fly, but I didn’t know they could sustain water.
The Scherenschnitte adds another dimension, and flows horizontally across the page, much like their wispy flight pattern- creating movement and balance. The paper cutting is exciting for me because it’s enjoyable and tells the viewer more about my heritage, Pennsylvania Dutch; my people lived along the Rhine River in Germany and chose Pennsylvania to make their new home because the landscape was so much like the Old Country.